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HorseWealth - EquiFits försäljningsagent i Sverige

Vi är försäljningsagent för EquiFits i Sverige.  HorseWealth är även EquiFit återförsäljare för att erbjuda EquiFits sortiment  på marknaden.

Många toppryttare i världsklass såsom McLain Ward och Jessica Springsteen använder EquiFits högteknologiska produkter.


EquiFit history:

EquiFit, inc. is a Massachusetts-based company which designs and manufactures technologically advanced products for top riders and horses throughout the world.

Founder and President, Alexandra Cherubini, graduated from Bates College, and shortly after she sought a way to combine her career with her love of horseback riding. Within a few months, EquiFit’s first product was born: ShouldersBack™. ShouldersBack is now being marketed to riders as well as non-riders, through HSN and health and beauty outlets, and was featured in an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in recognition of its outstanding function and design. The success of the product encouraged Alexandra to develop a line of products for the equine and equestrian based on a material called T-Foam™, a shock-absorbing material that conforms to each horse’s body for a custom fit, every time.

The EquiFit product line has grown immensely over the company’s 15 years. A solid foundation of material intuition and product design is the heart of EquiFit’s success. From the T-Boot Series to the D-Teq Boot line, the T-Sport Wraps to the GelCompression Therapy line, EquiFit continues to raise expectations by pairing innovative designs with highly advanced materials.




EquiFits mission

We are ambassadors for equestrians & equine athletes alike.

At EquiFit, we believe in science. We are constantly seeking & using new technologies to create products that improve performance, health, & well-being for horses & humans, alike.

This year we continue to offer our favorite items loved by so many. Additionally, we’re very pleased to introduce our new Essential Collection. Essential is made with EquiFit’s highest quality standards & is offered at a price point everyone can appreciate. This collection is essential for your everyday needs. 

As always, EquiFit is committed to designing & producing premium products using fair & ethical working conditions, as well as being environmentally conscious. We do our best to lead by example.

In the end, performance is our goal. We work hard to ensure that each & every one of our products does its job so riders & horses can do theirs.

Thank you so much for choosing EquiFit & for sharing our love of horses, love of the sport, & love of the equestrian life.


EquiFits technology


ImpacTeq™ Technology

ImpacTeq is designed to absorb extreme impact. Taking cues from protective footwear, sports and military equipment, ImpacTeq features a revolutionary foam that firms to a protective shield upon impact. Below the defensive foam is a multi-dimensional air mesh that promotes airflow and circulation, helping to keep the body cool. The two layers mold to the body for a secure and custom fit. ImpacTeq is antimicrobial, breathable, easy to wash and quick to dry. ImpacTeq Technology is utilized in many of our items including ImpacTeq Liners (paired with D-Teq™ Boots), Bandage Liners, CrownPad™, and the ImpacTeq Half Pad™.



By gradually releasing medical-grade mineral oil to moisturize and condition skin, GelTherapy helps prevent or relieve skin irritations. GelTherapy is used for humans and horses and is featured in GelSox™, GelSquares™ and GelBands. ™


T-Foam™ Technology

Originally invented by NASA, and currently used in hospitals, wheelchairs and athletic equipment, T-Foam Technology provides protection, support, comfort, and a custom fit. This shock-absorbing material reacts to body pressure and heat allowing it to conform for a custom fit, every time it’s used.

T-Foam absorbs 97% of shock and vibration upon impact, and offers 100% recovery before the next use. Its neoprene-free open-cell structure prevents overheating by self-ventilating which also helps control perspiration. T-Foam is used exclusively by EquiFit in a variety of our products including the T-Boot Series®, T-Foam Saddle Pads, Anatomical Girths, StandingWraps™ and our CurbChain™ Cover.



Classic leather styling engineered to defend. EverLeather is created with a matrix of nylon, polyester and microfiber, granting it phenomenal durability and strength. It’s resistant to scratches, abrasions, punctures and tears. Even with heavy use, EverLeather’s beautiful look and feel is preserved for years with easy cleaning and minimal maintenance. We utilize EverLeather throughout our catalog of products, including D-Teq™ and D-Teq Custom Boots, T-Boot Series, ImpacTeq™ Half Pad, CrownPad™ and more.


Hot/Cold Therapy

To help deliver the benefits of hot and cold therapies, we have developed a line of tools that make treatment simple and effective. Out GelCompression Therapy Line simplifies the application of hot/cold therapy by using GelPacks™ that adhere to an outer shell. Compression is conveniently controlled with a hand pump. IceAir® Cold Therapy Boots are the only ice boots on the market that also provide the benefit of air compression. Our TendonPak™ retains intense heat or cold to help treat accordingly and provides easy-to-adjust compression with its elastic bandages.



The best features of our original T-Foam™ meet modern technology and benefits. E-Foam absorbs impact and disperses pressure points. A revolutionary material, E-Foam firms to a protective shield upon impact, and molds to the body for a secure and custom fit. This streamlined material offers an unobtrusive and sleek fit, without compromising benefits: E-Foam is antimicrobial, breathable, easy to wash and quick to dry. E-Foam is utilized in our Original® and EXP3™ Boots.


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HorseWealth AB
Timmermansgatan 2
802 66 Gävle


HorseWealth AB
Timmermansgatan 2
802 66 Gävle


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